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Mentor Silva Cup 2025- 7 Legs Mixed Relay, Sprint + Middle-WRE ->Entries by clubs  (number of entries: 7)
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Entries by name | Entries by classes | Entries by countries | Entries by clubs

NameChip numberClassClubCountryPaid Category Sprint Name of the Relay Category in Relay

CS Mentor Silva
1.Popovici AndreiM16CS Mentor Silva Romania M12 Kids 1- M/W12
2.Sabou Gabriel Cristian8032690M45CS Mentor Silva Romania M12 Kids 1- M/W12
3.Grecu Mihnea Ioan8032692M45CS Mentor Silva Romania M45
4.Tudor MariusOpen FamilyCS Mentor Silva Romania M45 Mentor 1 Masters 1- M45/W35
5.Tanase IlincaW12CS Mentor Silva Romania M12 Kids 1- M/W12
6.Tudor AstridW16CS Mentor Silva Romania M12 Kids 1- M/W12
7.Maiorescu Irina Gabriela8032693W35CS Mentor Silva Romania M12 Kids 1- M/W12