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Houston OC Challenger Seven 2022 (11597)
Click on "Register for this competition" to make entry for yourself and/or your club.
Competition info:
Competition name:Houston OC Challenger Seven 2022
Start date:22.10.2022
End date:22.10.2022
Entry dates:
Organizer:Houston Orienteering Club
Country:United States
Location (city, area, ...):Challenger 7 Memorial Park
Competition website:http://hoc.us.orienteering.org/
Number of stages:1
Electronic punching:SportIdent
Use our online entries system:Yes
Classes:WF-13, WM-13, WF1415, WM1415, WF1617, WM1617, WF18+, WM18+, W REC, YF-13, YM-13, YF1415, YM1415, YF1617, YM1617, YF18+, YM18+, Y REC, OF-13, OM-13, OF1415, OM1415, OF1617, OM1617, OF18+, OM18+, BF1415, BM1415, BF1617, BM1617, BF18+, BM18+
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This competition has finished.