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Dječja utrka Svetog Nikole + trening utrka Šuma i Grad (12660)
Click on "Register for this competition" to make entry for yourself and/or your club.
Competition info:
Competition name:Dječja utrka Svetog Nikole + trening utrka Šuma i Grad
Start date:04.12.2022
End date:04.12.2022
Entry dates:
Organizer:OK Vihor
Location (city, area, ...):Zagreb - Cmrok
Competition website:http://www.vihor.hr
Number of stages:1
Electronic punching:None
Use our online entries system:Yes
Classes:MŽ7, M10 bez pratnje, Ž10 bez pratnje, M12 bez pratnje, Ž12 bez pratnje, M10 sa pratnjom, Ž10 sa pratnjom, Obiteljska dječja staza, M-duga - trening utrka, M-kratka - trening utrka, Ž-duga - trening utrka, Ž-kratka - trening utrka, predškolski sat
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This competition has finished.