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River Ranch County Park (13767)
Click on "Register for this competition" to make entry for yourself and/or your club.
Competition info:
Competition name:River Ranch County Park
Start date:05.04.2025
End date:05.04.2025
Entry dates:
Organizer:Austin Orienteering Club
Country:United States
Location (city, area, ...):Libery Hill, TX
Competition website:http://austinoc.com
Number of stages:1
Electronic punching:SportIdent
Use our online entries system:Yes
Classes:GF-18, GF1944, GF45+, GM-18, GM1944, GM45+, OF-18, OF1944, OF45+, OM-18, OM1944, OM45+, O-Rec, WF-13, WF1415, WF16+, WM-13, WM1415, WM16+, W-Rec, YF-15, YF1618, YF19+, YM-15, YM1618, YM19+, Y-Rec, G-Rec, BF-18, BF1944, BF45+, BM-18, BM1944, BM45+, B-Rec
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