Competition info:
Competition name: | 4. kolo SP v presnej orientácii v PreO (4th round of Slovak cup in Trail-O in PreO) - doobeda |
Start date: | 13.09.2015 |
End date: | 13.09.2015 |
Entry dates: |
Organizer: | ŠK Farmaceut Bratislava |
Country: | Slovakia |
Location (city, area, ...): | Bratislava, Dlhé diely |
Competition website: | |
Email: | |
Number of stages: | 1 |
Electronic punching: | None |
Use our online entries system: | Yes |
Classes: | E - Open, E - Para, Začiatočníci |
Entries by name
Entries by classes
Entries by countries
Entries by clubs
This competition has finished.