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French Championship (Long Distance WRE) (4278)
Click on "Register for this competition" to make entry for yourself and/or your club.
Competition info:
Competition name:French Championship (Long Distance WRE)
Start date:02.06.2019
End date:02.06.2019
Entry dates:
Organizer:Course d'Orientation Coeur de Savoie
Location (city, area, ...):Les Aillons Margériaz 1400
Competition website:http://www.cfco2019.co
Number of stages:1
Electronic punching:SportIdent
Use our online entries system:Yes
Classes:H10, D10, H12, D12, H14, D14, H16A, H16B, D16A, D16B, H18A, H18B, D18A, D18B, H20E, H20A, D20E, D20A, H21E (WRE), H21A, H21C, D21E (WRE), D21A, D21C, H35, D35, H40, H40C, D40, D40C, H45, D45, H50, D50, H55, D55, H60, D60, H65, D65, H70, D70, H75, D75, H80 et+, D80 et +, Open Jaune (Medium, HD14 and older), Open Orange (Difficult, HD16 and older), Open Vert (Very Easy, HD10 and older), Jalonné (taped)
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This competition has finished.